How are you and democracy going right now? Is it a rewarding romance? Or are things a bit complicated?

The Museum of Australian Democracy at Old Parliament House is taking you on a Date with Democracy. Inspired by the highs and lows of love and dating, experience free, all-ages events over two big weekends. Hit the dancefloor in King’s Hall, enjoy the historic Members’ Bar, or belt out your favourite love songs and break-up ballads at karaoke.

Artwork by Claudia Chinyere Akole will light up Old Parliament House every night of Enlighten from 8pm. This kaleidoscope of love hearts, flowers (and maybe the odd ballot box) will have you looking at your relationship with democracy in a new light.

  • Date with Democracy free events: 7pm-10.30pm, Friday 28 Feb, Saturday 1 March, Friday 7 March, Saturday 8 March
  • Members’ Bar drinks: 7pm-10pm, Friday 28 Feb, Saturday 1 March, Friday 7 March, Saturday 8 March 

Visit the Museum of Australian Democracy (MoAD) at Old Parliament House this Enlighten for unmissable illuminations every night and free, all-ages activities each weekend.

Event Info

When: Friday 28 February, Saturday 1 March, Friday 7 March and Saturday 8 March.

Time: 7:00pm to 10:30pm

Where: Museum of Australian Democracy, Old Parliament House

Tickets: This is a free event, no registrations required.

Illuminations at the Museum of Australian Democracy

Artwork by Claudia Chinyere Akole will light up Old Parliament House every night of Enlighten from 8pm. This kaleidoscope of love hearts, flowers (and maybe the odd ballot box) will have you looking at your relationship with democracy in a new light.

Museum of Australian Democracy at Old Parliament House