Take a moment to relax, regulate and recharge at our sensory friendly hub. Try your hand at a retro game inspired by Ryan Presley’s mural ‘Paradise Won’, enjoy some bush tucker flavoured ice cream being served up by Stripey Sundae (on the 7 and 8 March) or grab one of our sensory kits for people with sensory sensitivities or neurodiverse needs.
Suitable for all ages, including people with seeking a sensory friendly environment. Located in the Tim Fairfax Forecourt, located at the main entrance to the National Portrait Gallery.
When: Friday 28 February, Saturday 1 March, Friday 7 February and Saturday 8 March 2025
Time: 5:00pm to 9:30pm
Where: National Portrait Gallery, Tim Fairfax Forecourt
Tickets: This is a free event.
Visit Inferno at the National Portrait Gallery, and experience the mural Paradise won in animation that extends the narratives and imagery form this work.
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